Safety Scotland - Safety Scotland Limited Aberdeen


  • Safety Management

    We operate an easy accessible online safety management and inspection system which includes policy and procedures for all our clients.

  • Training & Competence

    Training the workforce has always formed a cornerstone of our philosophy and we encourage our clients to undertake regular reviews.

  • CDM Consultancy

    We have the competence and resources required to fulfil the role of CDM Consultants to Principal Designers under CDM2015.

  • Health & Safety Support

    Small to Medium Enterprises (SME’s) can rarely afford to employ a full-time health & safety manager or advisor – that’s where we provide support and guidance.

  • Environmental Management

    We provide an environmental management and auditing system which includes policy and procedures designed specific to your individual requirements.

  • HR Services

    We provide HR services to provide a flexible, on-demand support service for our clients, and other organisations, to reduce the risks to their business.

  • Courses

    We provide an environmental management and auditing system which includes policy and procedures designed specific to your individual requirements.

Safety Scotland is an Aberdeen based Construction and Allied Industry Safety & CDM Consultancy.

Health & Safety Consultancy

We operate an easy accessible online safety management and inspection system which includes policy and procedures for all our clients.


Training the workforce has always formed a cornerstone of our philosophy and we encourage our clients to undertake regular reviews.

CDM Consultancy

We have the competence and resources required to fulfil the role of CDM Consultants to Principal Designers under CDM2015.

Environmental Consultancy

We provide an environmental management and auditing system which includes policy and procedures designed specific to your individual requirements.

HR Support Services

Our HR service provides you with a flexible, on-demand or retained support to give you direct access to specialist advice, ensure compliance and reduce the risk to your business.


We deliver a suite of courses for health and safety awareness and career development to help maintain a safe workforce.

Why Choose Us

Safety Scotland is a health, safety, environmental and training consultancy who works with their customers to develop a solution that meets their specific business needs.

Whatever the size of your organisation we are here to provide you with practical health and safety management solutions.

Our team is highly experience and has a wide knowledge base allowing us to provide a professional service which can be tailored to suit individual business needs.

The consultancy team is available to call at anytime if you wish to discuss your requirements or are in need of advice and guidance.